
Taste and Aroma in Melon and Watermelon

3 Minute(s) Reading
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Seed, Seedling, Sapling
Melon and Watermelon
One of the most important factors affecting the taste and aroma of melon and watermelon is the growing conditions and climatic conditions, as well as the variety used in production.

Vaccine rootstock is used against root diseases in watermelon production. The upper part of the plant is grafted with another watermelon or small pumpkin, which we call chestnut squash, for resistance to diseases in the root zone. This means that the upper part of the watermelon rooted in the zucchini is the watermelon plant, so that the watermelon plants grow vigorously and produce fruit.

Grafted watermelon seedlings
There is no negative relationship between inoculation and taste of watermelons, which are said to be tasteless or taste like zucchini, as it is said on television, social media or in family conversations.

The watermelons we eat are not tasteless or discolored just because they have been grafted. Among the features that affect the taste and fruit flesh color of watermelon, there are factors related to cultivation and harvest time, as well as variety. In addition to the taste, flavor and aroma of watermelon, the flesh color should be dark red and bright, and the flesh should be neither too hard nor too soft and fibrous.


While the prices of watermelon are quite high at the beginning of the season every year, the prices decrease rapidly as the amount of watermelon harvested later increases. Watermelons, which are harvested early and not fully ripe, especially when prices are high, are sold in the market and markets without being fully colored and appear as tasteless, unsalted watermelons that the consumer does not like. Therefore, in the early period, the consumer may not be able to buy sweet and quality watermelon even if it is expensive.

unripe watermelon

When the prices of watermelon decrease, this time the watermelons that are not sold to the market in the early period before they are fully mature enter the market in the open field in the summer period before the late watermelons come out. Thus, there is a high probability of getting cheap but aged watermelons in second-period watermelons.

Ways to get good watermelon;

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  • Buying watermelon from known grocers or marketers,
  • To take the watermelon by looking at the stem (if the stem is green and lively, it has been newly harvested),
  • Not buying too small or too large watermelons (6-7 kg to 12-14 kg),
  • If necessary, it can be listed as taking it by cutting it and tasting it.

Unlike watermelon, it is much more important to find a sweet and high-flavored, delicious melon. As a consumption habit in our country, the yellow-black rind and crispy Kırkağaç melon grown in open fields is preferred rather than greenhouse melons.

Generally, the kg melon price is higher than the watermelon kg price, and the consumer is more disappointed if the taste and aroma of the melons they buy are not good. Very small 1-1.5 kg Kırkağaç melons have excellent taste and aroma if the melons are grown without water. Second quality small fruits of some Kırkağaç melons can be sold in the market from time to time. These types of melons do not taste good because they are small and not ripe enough.

Kırkağaç melon

Good melon;

  • If the centipede is yellow and black, the outer shell should be colored and the yellow color should be a little more intense,
  • Generally, those between 2-6 kg should be preferred,
  • Again, the stem part should be green and the outer skin of the fruit should be hard, not soft,
  • It should be understood that he did not wait long in his image,
  • It should be bought from reliable greengrocers or open public markets, if necessary, it should be tasted.

In recent years, apart from Kırkağaç type melon, many different types and colors of melons with superior taste and aroma have been developed by breeding companies.

Whether it is a melon or a watermelon, one of the most important factors affecting the taste and aroma is the variety used in production, as well as the growing conditions and climatic conditions.

Not every watermelon or melon variety produced by different companies and sold to producers or farmers is good. In recent years, the consumer has reached the stage where more delicious melons and watermelons can be consumed, with sales and promotional activities in the form of writing the names of varieties for melons and watermelons on the harvested fruit.
