
Rihanna Bell Pepper Made a Difference.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Company News
Rihanna bell pepper
AD-ROSSEN carried out the last harvest of Rihanna stuffed peppers in Yenişehir/Bursa.

The last harvest of the Rihanna variety, which is in the stuffed pepper group of AD-ROSSEN, took place in Yenişehir, Bursa.

AD-ROSSEN R&D director, Dr. Aydın ATASAYAR, who followed the harvesting studies, stated that he was very pleased with the fruit quality and yield of the Rihanna variety, which the regional producer planted in the open field this year.

Rihanna bell pepper, which is suitable for tunnel cultivation as well as open field cultivation; In addition to its suitability for the spring and summer seasons as a season, it stands out as earliness, medium early and very strong plant structure.

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ATASAYAR said that the producers planting Rihanna bell peppers in the Yenişehir region are very satisfied with the support they receive from AD-ROSSEN technical teams in addition to the high yield and quality; He stated that they aim to reach more producers with different varieties in Yenişehir and its region in the coming season.

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