
Misconceptions About Ayas Tomato, Kemer Eggplant And Local Seeds

7 Minute(s) Reading
Monday, January 17, 2022
Seed, Seedling, Sapling
Since local varieties are grown only in the spring and there is no cultivation in the remaining 8-9 months of the year (October-May), they are not sufficient to meet the required vegetable needs.

Ayas Tomato, Kemer Eggplant, Aydın Black Eggplant, Demre Spike, Kırkağaç Melon and Hybrid Vegetable Seeds;

When two professors, who are constantly on the subject of healthy nutrition and magic stones in the media, talked back and forth about hybrid seeds, which they do not know or are not sure what it means, a criminal complaint was filed in the court by the sub-union of the seed industrialists, which is the legally authorized body. The professors in question exaggerated so much that they even went so far as to point out that the use of hybrid seeds and those who eat the vegetables grown from the hybrid seed may be sterile and not have children. In our country, unfortunately, it is considered quite normal for everyone who knows or does not know to talk back and forth on these issues. For the first time, when such nonsense news was opposed by the seed sub-union, the union suddenly found itself in front of the government, and the professors, who thought they knew everything right until yesterday, suddenly took refuge in the government.

Let's come to our topic. Ayaş tomato, Çanakkale tomato or Kemer Eggplant, Adana and Diyarbakır watermelon or Ankara melon, Kırkağaç melon are our country's open pollinated and non-hybrid local vegetable varieties. Therefore, since these types are open (free, natural) pollinated, that is, when the seeds are taken from the plants planted in the field, they are local varieties that can be successfully produced when they are replanted in the same way the next year. The most important features of local varieties such as Ayas tomato or Diyarbakir watermelon is that they are local vegetable varieties unique to our country. Everyone agrees on this.

foot tomato

However, some characteristics of native varieties prevent them from staying in the market for a long time and being grown in certain seasons of the year. These local varieties can only be grown in the open field, that is, in the open field or in greenhouses, between April and October during the summer months. The farmers do not pay for the seeds as they buy the seeds from the best plants every year. Although the taste and aroma of these varieties are good, they cannot be expected to be taken by the consumer for a long time after being sold in the market or harvested. In other words, their shelf life is short and especially tomatoes (pink tomatoes, Ayaş Tomatoes, Çanakkale Tomatoes) should be consumed within 1-2 days after harvest. Again, although Diyarbakir watermelon is very large, it can start to rot quickly when transported to the market.

Diyarbakir watermelons, famous for their size

Pepper varieties such as Demre Sivrisi or Yalova Soupci both need to be planted in the field in large quantities and the plants do not produce enough after one or two harvests at the most. Therefore, our local vegetable varieties have negative aspects in terms of consumption and marketing, although they seem to have high taste and aroma, and the cost of seeds for the pair is zero. These varieties are not resistant to transportation, have low yield and quality, and have an extremely short shelf life.

Since local varieties are grown only in the spring and there is no cultivation in the remaining 8-9 months of the year (October-May), they are not sufficient to meet the required vegetable needs.

Local varieties are resistant to some diseases and pests and to dry and hot conditions, as seeds come from seeds selected by the farmer from the best plants in the field each year for many years. But especially the advantageous aspects of hybrid seeds; Features such as high yield, superior quality, long shelf life, suitability for early season cultivation, high yield per unit area, stable and regular yield, resistance to cold, heat and drought are not sufficient in local varieties and hybrid seeds are required for human nutrition.

Demre mosquito
After 1950, with the use of hybrid seeds all over the world, many people in many countries were able to consume vegetables for the first time.

While there was no winter vegetable consumption in our country, since the 1970s, vegetable production and consumption have increased with the use of hybrid vegetable seeds, and vegetables that are needed in all seasons of our country have been provided at a sufficient level.

Hybrid seeds and locally open pollinated seeds actually produce seeds by the same mechanism. Local varieties such as Demre shrew or Kemer aubergine are pollinated in their flowers under the influence of bees and wind under field conditions, and they fertilize the stigma on the same flower and provide seed formation.

In hybrid seeds , pollination is done manually by humans. Tomato, pepper or melon, watermelon etc. collected from different domestic and foreign sources. materials are dusted with their own dust for 3-4 years and the best ones are selected every year. Then, two of the best are chosen, one is determined as the mother and the other as the father, and they are crossed with each other. The seeds obtained are hybrid (hybrid) seeds. Since these seeds are obtained by crossing between the best materials that are purified and selected, they show superior yield, quality, shelf life and show superior performance when planted in greenhouse or open field. They successfully develop and grow during the winter, when local varieties do not develop.

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In the development of hybrid varieties, a local pepper, tomato, watermelon material grown in our country can be used, as well as wild materials. Therefore, hybrid varieties hybrid seeds are not bogeyman or genetically modified seeds, they are healthy and safe seeds. Their superiority is that they are obtained as a result of crossing of mother and father lines with advanced characteristics.

Hybrid seeds have a certain cost as they have to be regenerated from the mother and father lines every year. They cannot be obtained for free like local seeds, but are obtained as a result of specific research and development work, and when sold they are sold for a specified value of 10-20% of the total cost of production. This rate and price may vary depending on the variety and type. The farmers who use these seeds will be profitable because they will achieve a high production and yield. If the seeds of hybrid seeds, namely F1's, are to be taken again and used in aquaculture, F2 seeds can be handled from these seeds. F2 seeds are not sterile or non-seeding. Obtained F2 seeds are not as high yielding as F1. Since F2s are different types from the mother and father lines, they do not give high yield and quality and cannot be grown in all seasons and under all conditions like local varieties. Therefore, although they can be used in production, F1 seeds, which give higher yield and quality, are used in production instead of F2 seeds.

belt eggplant

  • Local varieties (Ayas Tomato, Yalova Sivri pepper, Ankara Melon, etc.) cannot meet the need for intensive commercial production.
  • Local varieties are used by domestic companies as parents to develop hybrid seeds.
  • Preventing the disappearance of local varieties is not only possible by using these varieties widely in summer. Conservation of local varieties is achieved by gene banks or indirectly by domestic companies preserving these varieties. Because local varieties are varieties adapted to that country, they should always be preserved as genetic resources even if they are not widely used in production.
  • Hybrid varieties provide high yield and quality, long shelf life, resistance to diseases and pests. Since local seeds have a short shelf life, they cannot be sent for export.
  • Seeds obtained from hybrid seeds are not sterile. They cannot be preferred because they cannot provide sufficient efficiency and product in production. Some producers are able to provide better yields than F1 by using F2 seeds of commercial cultivars.
  • Hybrid seeds are not harmful to humans. Its effects, such as causing infertility, are a completely false and erroneous discourse.
  • Thanks to hybrid seeds, people have the opportunity to consume vegetables in every season of the year.
  • Contrary to popular belief, hybrid seeds do not require high water, electricity and drugs. Local varieties are grown in open field with irrigation or some types of vegetables such as melons are grown without irrigation or by flood irrigation, fertilizer is not given with drip irrigation. Since hybrid varieties are resistant to many diseases and pests, the use of pesticides in cultivation with these seeds is low.
Ankara melon
  • Hybrid seeds are a technology and advanced plant breeding technique and are absolutely not harmful to humans.
  • Local varieties should be preserved in our country. However, hybrid seeds are used successfully in plant species that show superior characteristics (high yield, quality, shelf life, disease resistance, etc.) in production, and in species such as lettuce and wheat that can be grown without hybrid seeds, standard seeds are used successfully because they provide sufficient production and yield.
  • Local varieties can be used as rootstocks in hybrid seed production, thus both hybrid seeds similar to local varieties are developed and undesirable traits of local varieties are improved.
  • It should also be noted that standard varieties are used instead of hybrids in many plant species such as lettuce, wheat, barley and forage crops.
  • Hybrid variety development and need varies according to the plant species.