
Japanese Grape Producers Return to Shine Muscat Variety

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Japan has been increasing its grape exports sharply since 2014.

Grape exports of Japan, which has increased rapidly since 2014, reached a record level in 2018. The main export destinations, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, account for more than half of the export volume. Pione and Shine Muscat varieties, which are the most popular grape varieties, have large and attractive fruits, and these grapes are sold as souvenirs due to their high prices. In order to further increase its grape exports, Japan continues to develop resistant varieties whose fruits stay fresh longer.

Pione grape

Grapes are classified according to their color as red, black and green. Native to Japan, Delaware, Kōshū and Kaiji are the red-colored varieties, Kyohō and Pione are the famous black varieties, and Shine Muscat and Niagara are popular green varieties.

Deleware grape
Kōshū grape
Kaiji berry

In the past, nearly half of the grape-growing land in Japan was devoted to red varieties, and Delaware was the main crop at this time. Afterwards, the black grape variety Kyohō increased its market share and reached its peak in 2003.

Kyohō grape

Nowadays, the rising variety is the new trend, Shine Muscat. The edible peel of these large seedless grapes, which are easy to eat, has made them popular by increasing their preference for children, the elderly and everyone.

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Shine Muscat grape

In addition, this variety, which has a thin peel, has become a favorite among producers because it is not easily crushed and remains fresh for a long time. This variety, registered in 2006, is grown in more than 20% of Japanese vineyards.

Shine Muscat: Expensive but high sales

Popular varieties like Pione and Shine Muscat have a higher wholesale price than Delaware and Kyohō. Kyohō is sold for 1,254 Yen per kilo, Delaware for 1,030 Yen per kilo, while the Pione is sold for 1,332 Yen and Shine Muscat for 2,123 Yen. (2020 prices, Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market)

Grape export volume

In 2019, the Shine Muscat variety proved to be the best grape to sell, surpassing Kyohō, despite its high price.

Grape production is improving, while overall fruit production is declining in Japan. Every year, the gap between Satsuma tangerines and the most popular fruit, apples, is closing. In 2018, grapes rose to second place after tangerines. This performance can be further strengthened with Shine Muscat grapes.

Grape planted areas by variety
Production values of Japanese local fruits