Today, I would like to talk to you about the Immortal Flower (Helichrysum Italicum), which includes herbaceous plants from the Asteraceae family, whose flowers do not lose their color and smell even when dried. It is popularly known as Balkaymak. More than 500 species have been described in the world. As gene centers, the Mediterranean basin and South Africa and Australia are indicated.
The interest in scientific research and use of this species, which is cultivated in wide areas in Italy, has increased in the last few years due to its versatile biological activities and applications. As a result, plantation agriculture experienced a major expansion in Mediterranean countries due to increased industrial demand.
My work, which is included in the appendix and which I have compiled into a book for you by researching many sources, includes the recently revised taxonomy, detailed description of morphological features, geographic distribution, uses, chemical diversity, biological activity, and genetic diversity.
Additionally, most of the available scientific data in my research has focused on the chemical composition of essential oil, but little is known about planting requirements, seedling production, plant density, fertilization and nutritional requirements, harvesting, cultivation management.