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Advantages of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Plant Health

3 Minute(s) Reading
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Company News
Plants need the most nitrogen among nutrients during their whole life and especially during their development process.

Azotobacters spp. A large nitrogen cycle in which various microorganisms such as

The most important event that takes place in the ecosystem is the organisms that can convert the gaseous nitrogen of the air into combined nitrogen.

Of these organisms , Azotobacters spp. They convert the free nitrogen of the air into organic nitrogen and nitrates by nitrogen fixation. Azotobacter spp. Microorganisms belonging to the genus species live freely and fix the gaseous nitrogen of the air with their cells and make it usable as food, without any symbiotic (common) bond with any plant. Thus , necessary nutrients are provided for plants naturally instead of artificially obtained nitrogen . In addition, the azotobacter species they secrete; While they protect the plant against many diseases with metabolites, vitamins, plant growth regulators, they also provide a significant increase in yield and quality in the plant.

Azotobacter action scheme
Azotobacter action scheme

In Vitormone Plus, Azotobacter spp . contains microorganisms. After application, it starts to germinate within 6 hours and transforms from Cystsform to cell form. Within 3-4 days, it spreads to the entire leaf surface in the form of a cell form and begins to work in the form of active bacteria by combining with the rich environment in the leaf.

It turns the carbon (C) coming from respiration in the leaf and the free nitrogen (N) in the air into nitrogen (N) that the plant can use, allowing it to be fed naturally from the leaf. In addition, the same bacteria are very useful and necessary plant growth regulators for the plant (Vit. B1, Vit. B2-Riboflavin, Vit. B6-Pyridoxine, Vit.B12-Cyancobalamine, Vit. E, Vit. C, Solic acid, Biotin, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic acids, Giberellic acid, Cytokinin, Auxin, IAA) and natural antifungal content, it provides the plant's growth and development balance by secreting metabolites that protect the plant from disease during its development.

It is an organic certified microbial fertilizer containing a natural microorganism that feeds the plant by using the C in the air, which comes out of the stomata during respiration from the leaves and the CO as a food source.

  • By fixing the free nitrogen of the air to the leaves, it provides an economical fertilization opportunity with natural methods.
  • By fixing the free nitrogen of the air to the leaves, it provides an economical fertilization opportunity with natural methods.
  • It activates the natural enzymes, vitamins and plant growth regulators in the plant.
  • It reduces flower and fruit shedding caused by hormonal imbalance and provides yield and quality increase.
  • It increases the sugar content (flavor) of the fruit and positively affects the storage life of the fruit.
  • It is a completely natural product that does not harm people, animals and plants, can also be used in organic agriculture, does not disturb the ecological balance and does not have any residue problems.
Flowering in fruit tree treated with Vitormone
Flowering in fruit tree treated with Vitormone

In general, in all plant groups;

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  • In the first development period of plants (vegetative period),
  • During flowering
  • In three different periods, namely fruit set and development periods;

For volume spraying: 100 ml/100 lt. from leaves in water dosage,

In field spraying: 50-100 ml/da should be applied again on the leaves.

For more effective results, attention should be paid to the following points ;

  • Before application, the package should be shaken well before opening.
  • Application should not be done with hot ULV (thermal fogy) instruments.
  • Applications should be made after sunset and in the evening.
  • After the applications, foliar application of chemical fungicide (especially copper) should be done 7-10 days later.
  • Using it with a good non-ionic spreading adhesive increases its effectiveness.
  • If it is combined with amino acids, plant growth regulators or foliar fertilizers with high organic matter content, the efficiency increases even more.
Cherries treated with Vitormone
Cherries treated with Vitormone
