Irrigation Systems
Dosatron - Doktor Tarsa Tarım


With Dosatron, guaranteed fertilization and spraying is done every season. High efficiency and quality are obtained in the product. It is used in horticultural crops (Fruit trees and greenhouse), field crops, ornamental plants, seedbeds and landscaping applications.

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Non-Electric Proportional Dosing Pump

Connecting it to the water source, Dosatron uses water pressure as an energy source. Dasatron is a doser powered by the power of water flowing through it. Does not require electricity. Once you install it and it's ready to be applied. The water activates the doser and the desired amount of fertilizer solution is given to the system.

The fertilizer solution mixes with the water in the doser. Once set, Dosatron requires no further action. The fertilizer solution dosed into the system is always in a certain balance with the amount of water entering the doser, regardless of the pressure and flow changes in the main water line. Dosatron prevents overdosing with its special technology.

With Dosatron, guaranteed fertilization and spraying is done every season. High efficiency and quality are obtained in the product. It is used in horticultural crops (Fruit trees and greenhouse), field crops, ornamental plants, seedbeds and landscaping applications.

  • Fertilization: The fertilizer solution dosed at the right rate according to the grown product meets the nutritional needs of the plant exactly and at the right time.
  • Spraying: Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides can be applied.
  • Disinfection: Acid (diluted) and algicides can be applied.
  • Allows dosing of all kinds of liquid soluble substances.

Safe, Economical and Practical

  • For you : Maximum efficiency thanks to the high performance doser.
  • For your products: Accurate dosing where and when it is needed.
  • For your employees: Less intervention in fertilization, less labor.
  • For your environment: It prevents environmental pollution due to unnecessary excess chemicals.
  • Since the doser works hydraulically, electricity etc. not necessary.
  • It prevents waste of fertilizer thanks to correct dosing.
  • Install once and release; no further action is required.
  • You can use it in all products you grow with the existing system.
  • Doser; It is easily connected to the water mains and works continuously.
  • Dosage can be adjusted from the outside, turn on the water, work!


Flow: Min 10 liters / hour | Max 2.5 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.3 bar - Max 6 bar
Dosing range: 0.2% - 2.0%
Dosed amount: 5 liters / hour - 50 liters / hour
DOSATRON D25RE2 - Specifications


Flow: Min 10 liters / hour | Max 3 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.3 bar - Max 6 bar
Dosing range: 0.2% - 2.0%
Dosed amount: 6 liters / hour - 60 liters / hour
Ref. dosage: D3GL2 : 0.2%-2.0%
DOSATRON D3GL2 - Specifications


Flow: Min 10 liters / hour | Max 3 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.3 bar - Max 6 bar
Dosing range: 1% - 5%
Dosed amount: 30 liters / hour - 150 liters / hour
Ref. dosage: D3GL5 : 1% 5%
DOSATRON D3GL5 - Specifications


Flow: Min 10 liters / hour | Max 3 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.3 bar - Max 6 bar
Dosing range: 1% - 10%
Dosed amount: 30 liters / hour - 300 liters / hour
Ref. dosage: D3GL10 : 1%-10%
DOSATRON D3GL10 - Specifications


Flow: Min 500 liters / hour | Max 8 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.5 bar - Max 8 bar
Dosing range: 0.2% - 2.0%
Dosed amount: 16 liters / hour - 160 liters / hour
DOSATRON D8GL2 - Specifications


Flow: Min 500 liters / hour | Max 8 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.5 bar - Max 8 bar
Dosing range: 1% - 5%
Dosed amount: 80 liters / hour - 400 liters / hour
DOSATRON D8RE5 - Specifications


Flow: Min 1 m3 / hour | Max 20 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.2 bar - Max 10 bar
Dosing range: 0.2% - 2.0%
Dosed amount: 40 liters / hour - 400 liters / hour
DOSATRON D20S - Specifications


Flow: Min 8 m3 / hour | Max 30 m3 / hour
Operating pressure: Min 0.5 bar - Max 6 bar
Dosing range: 0.1% - 1.0%
Dosed amount: 30 liters / hour - 300 liters / hour
DOSATRON D30GL - Specifications

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